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Dates and Readings


Here you can find the details of the meetings, the readings and the links for registration (scroll down for past meetings and readings). If you cannot get hold of a copy of the text, please contact neurodiversityrg AT gmail DOT com. 


  • Note 03/2020: until further notice we will meet online; send an email for details.



Meeting 15: 16 October 2020, 3-5pm (UK time)

  • Topic: Fiction

  • Readings:

    • Whitehead, Colson (1999). The Intuitionist. Available on e.g. The Book Depository (here

    • Martinez Benedi, Pilar. (2019). "Where Racial Meets Neuro Diversity: Pondering “Who’s We” in Colson Whitehead’s The Intuitionist". Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, 60(2), 179-190. [paywall available here]


Meeting 16: 20 November 2020, 3-5pm (UK time)

  • Topic: Disabled capital

  • Readings: Berezin, Jared David. (2014). "Disabled Capital: A Narrative of Attention Deficit Disorder in the Classroom Through the Lens of Bourdieu’s Capital". Disability Studies Quarterly, 34(4). Available at 

Meeting 17: 18 December 2020, 3-5pm (UK time)

  • Topic: Distress & bodymind

  • Readings:

    • Price, Margaret. (2015). "The bodymind problem and the possibilities of pain". Hypatia, 30(1), 268-284. [available here, no paywall]

    • Website: Recovery in the bin?

Meeting 18: 15 January 2020, 3-5pm (UK time)

  • Topic: Neurodiversity studies

  • Readings:

    • Bertilsdotter-Rosqvist, Hanna, Chown, Nick, & Stenning, Anna. (2020). "Introduction". In: Hanna Bertilsdotter-Rosqvist, Nick Chown & Anna Stenning (Eds), Neurodiversity: A new critical paradigm (pp.1-11): Routledge. [paywall available here

    • Bertilsdotter-Rosqvist, Hanna, Stenning, Anna, & Chown, Nick. (2020). "Neurodiversity studies: Proposing a new field of inquiry". In: Hanna Bertilsdotter-Rosqvist, Nick Chown & Anna Stenning (Eds), Neurodiversity: A new critical paradigm (pp.226-229): Routledge. [paywall available here]

Meeting 19: 19 February 2020, 3-5pm (UK time)

  • Topic: TBC

  • Readings:TBC

Meeting 20: 19 March 2020, 3-5pm (UK time)

  • Topic: TBC

  • Readings:TBC

Meeting 21: 16 April 2020, 3-5pm (UK time)

  • Topic: TBC

  • Readings:TBC

Meeting 22: 21 May, 3-5pm (UK time)

  • Topic: TBC

  • Readings:TBC



Meeting 1: 19 July 2019

  • Topic: Introducing neurodiversity

  • Readings:

    • Graby, Steve. (2015). “Neurodiversity: bridging the gap between the disabled people’s movement and the mental health system survivors’ movement?”. In: Helen Spandler, Jill Anderson & Bob Sapey (Eds), Madness, distress and the politics of disablement (pp.231-244): Policy Press. [available here]

    • McWade, Brigit, Milton, Damian, & Beresford, Peter. (2015). “Mad studies and neurodiversity: A dialogue”. Disability & Society, 30(2), 305-309. [available here]

Meeting 2: 16 August 2019

  • Topic: Neurodiversity and intersectionality theory

  • Readings:

    • Strand, Lauren Rose. (2017). “Charting relations between intersectionality theory and the neurodiversity paradigm”. Disability Studies Quarterly, 37(2). [available here]

    • Erevelles, N. & Minear, A. (2010). "Unspeakable offenses: Untangling race and disability discourses of intersectionality." Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies, 4(2), 127-146. [available here]


Meeting 3: 20 September 2019

  • Topic: Education

  • Reading:

    • Parekh, Gillian, Brown, Robert S, & Robson, Karen. (2018). "The Social Construction of Giftedness: The Intersectional Relationship Between Whiteness, Economic Privilege, and the Identification of Gifted". Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 7(2), 1-32. [available here]

    • Optional extra: Manning, Erin. (2018). "Me Lo Dijo un Pajarito. Neurodiversity, Black Life, and the University as We Know It". Social Text, 36(3 (136)), 1-24. 

​​​Meeting 4: 18 October 2019

  • Topic: Gender

  • Readings:

    • Winter, Helen, Moncrieff, Joanna, & Speed, Ewen. (2015). "'Because you’re worth it': A discourse analysis of the gendered rhetoric of the ADHD woman". Qualitative Research in Psychology, 12(4), 415-434.​ [available here]

    • Ng, Isla. (2017). "The Digitization of Neurodiversity: Real Cyborgs and Virtual Bodies". Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice, 38(2), 160-170. [available here]

    • Rozsa, Matthew. (2017, 15/03). "LISTEN: Black, female and autistic — hiding in plain sight. Salon talks to Morénike Giwa-Onaiwu of the Autism Women’s Network about race, gender and the spectrum". [interview available here]

Meeting 5: 22 November 2019

  • Topic: Race

  • Reading: 

    • Annamma, Subini Ancy, Connor, David, & Ferri, Beth. (2013). "Dis/ability critical race studies (DisCrit): Theorizing at the intersections of race and dis/ability". Race, Ethnicity and Education, 16(1), 1-31.​ [available here]

    • Onaiwu, Morénike Giwa (2017). "Preface: Autistics of Color: We Exist... We Matter", In: Brown, Lydia XZ, Ashkenazy, E, & Onaiwu, Morénike Giwa. (Eds). All the weight of our dreams: On living racialized autism (pp.TBC). DragonBee Press.

    • Brown, Lydia X.Z. (2014). "Why the Term ‘Psychopath’ is Racist and Ableist", Available at: 

Meeting 6: 17 January 2020

  • Topic: Environment

  • Readings:

    • Gibbons, S. (2017). "Neurological diversity and environmental (in)justice: The ecological other in popular and journalist representations of autism." In S. J. Ray & J. Sibara (Eds.), Disability studies and the environmental humanities: Toward an eco-crip theory (pp. 531-551). London: University of Nebraska Press. 

    • Kafer, A. (2013). "Bodies of nature: The environmental politics of disability," Feminist, queer, crip (pp. 129-148): Indiana University Press.

Meeting 7: 21 February 2020

  • Topic: Queer

  • Reading: McRuer, Robert, & Wilkerson, Abby L. (2003). "Introduction: Special issue 'Desiring disability: Queer theory meets disability studies'." GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 9(1-2), 1-24. [available here]

  • Blog post: Walker, Nick. (2015, 02/05). "Neuroqueer: An Introduction." Neurocosmopolitanism. Available at:


Meeting 8: 20 March 2020

Meeting 9: 17 April 2020

Meeting 10: 15 May 2020

Meeting 11: 19 June 2020

  • Topic: Normativity

  • Readings: 

    • Freedman, Justin E., & Honkasilta, Juho M. (2017). "Dictating the boundaries of ab/normality: a critical discourse analysis of the diagnostic criteria for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and hyperkinetic disorder". Disability & Society, 32(4), 565-588.​ [open access version available here]

    • Huijg, Dieuwertje Dyi. (2020). "Neuronormativity in theorising agency: An argument for a critical neurodiversity approach". In: Hanna Bertilsdotter-Rosqvist, Nick Chown & Anna Stenning (Eds), Neurodiversity: A New Critical Paradigm (pp.213-217): Routledge. [paywall available here]

Meeting 12: 17 July 2020

  • Topic: Gender

  • Readings: 

    • Shapira, Shahar, & Granek, Leeat. (2019). "Negotiating psychiatric cisgenderism-ableism in the transgender-autism nexus". Feminism & Psychology, 29(4), 494-513. [paywall available here]

    • Davidson, Joyce, & Tamas, Sophie. (2016). "Autism and the ghost of gender". Emotion, Space and Society, 19, 59–65. [paywall available here]

Meeting 13: 21 August 2020

Meeting 14: 18 September 2020

  • Topic: Saneism

  • Readings: Wolframe, PhebeAnn Marjory. (2012). "The madwoman in the academy, or, revealing the invisible straightjacket: Theorizing and teaching saneism and sane privilege". Disability Studies Quarterly, 33(1). Available at


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